Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Be Careful...

Don't let this happen to you

And I’m going to admit I haven’t talked to the guy who owns the company but I can’t imagine so many people had that bad of experiences! We feel terrible for the name this guy is giving our trade!
If there’s ANY way we can help couples who are *going forward* without a wedding photographer, we’d love to help you if we have availability. Give us a call and we’ll discuss your options. Just mention that you were a Celebration Studios’ client and we’ll do what we can to help you get photography for this year, whether that’s us or a more local group that’s working on this same issue!
If you KNOW a Celebration Studios couple, please let them know this post is here. We’re trying to organize some photographic help for these couples and it would greatly help to let them know we’re out here.


scott neumyer said...

That's SO horrible. I'd be willing to offer portraits of couples as well... Really really horrible that they had to go through that.

Dave Toth said...

hey I just found this, I also know a celebration bride, she had the wedding last year but now her album is in limbo.
I am also in for helping in any way.