Wednesday, January 02, 2008

We are Still Here!!!

Merry Holidays!!! Happy New Year. May The Force Be With You...
Oh Man!!! We are the Blogger Slackers! Well we are back and better than ever. We have been renovating our studio in Downtown Red Bank AND updating our portfolios and samples.
CLICK HERE for a sample album that we designed from Alicia and Ben's fabulous wedding at the Bonnet Island Estate!

We will also be posting up some photos of our studio upgrades, once I have our HUUUUUUUUUUGE computer monitors in place!
See ya soon and tell us what you think of the album!

And May all of you have Gods Blessings for health and happiness for this new year.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The album was beautiful!! I can't wait to see photos of your updated studio.

Take care and may the force be with you....
